Determine whether or not you should combine your auto insurance after marriage!
You're tying the knot! As two halves become a whole, it's important to think about how you're going to combine your lives into one. From deciding on where to live, how to conjoin your finances, and what to do with your insurance, there's a lot to consider. However, while you may want to combine your auto insurance policies, there are a few things you should consider before you do so. Check out what you need to know about combining your car insurance after marriage.
Benefits of Matrimony:
Overall, married couples tend to get better rates on their auto insurance. Research has shown that marriage has an effect on lowering risky driving behaviors. As a less risky driver, married individuals save more money on their auto insurance than their unmarried counterparts.
Combining your Insurance:
In the event that you both have perfect driving records, go ahead and combine your policies. You'll likely save more money than if you were to leave your policies separate. Plus, you'll have the added benefit of convenience since you only have to worry about paying one premium every month. Just be sure to do your homework, so that you can pick the best policy.
Keeping Separate Policies:
In the event that your driving records are a little less than perfect, it may be better to keep your separate policies. If you were to combine your policies, you could be paying more for auto insurance. Be sure to crunch all the numbers before you come to a decision.
Be sure to decide how you want to deal with your auto insurance after marriage. The professionals at
Club Agency Insurance Brokerage can help you with all your
insurance needs! Located in Garden City, New York,
contact us for more information.