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Essential Vehicle Maintenance Tips for Summer

May 23, 2019


Essential Vehicle Maintenance Tips for Summer Essential Vehicle Maintenance Tips for Summer

Tips to take care of your car this summer.

As we move into the summer months, you might be excited about the prospect of relaxing by the pool and beach trips with your family.  However, summer isn't all fun and games.  You still have responsibilities to take care of, especially when it comes to your car.  Here are some of the car maintenance tasks that you need to take care of this summer.
  • Clean Your Windshield Wipers
While you may associate your windshield wiper with wet weather, don't forget that you will use your wipers to clear your windshield of dust.  If your windshield wipers are worn out and dirty, then you could actually make your visibility worse by using your wipers.  To ensure that this doesn't happen to you, make sure you thoroughly clean your windshield wipers every time you wash your car or wipe own your car's windows.  If the wipers are still making streaks, then it's time to replace your wiper blades completely.
  • Monitor Your Tire Pressure
As outside temperatures changes, so does your car's tire pressure.  When it's hot outside, your tire pressure will actually increase.  This is why it's important to monitor your car's tire pressure as temperatures rise.  Remember, your car's recommended PSI in your owner's manual.  Make sure that you wait three hours after driving to measure your tires' PSI to ensure that you are getting an accurate reading.
  • Wash and Wax Your Car
While keeping your car clean might seem purely cosmetic, keeping up with this maintenance task could save you a lot of time and money down the road.  When dust and grime accumulate on your car, it can scratch your car's top coat, leaving your car's paint looking dull and susceptible to peeling. These are some of the car maintenance tasks that you should complete this summer.  Want another way to take care of your car this season?  Then make sure you have the right auto insurance in place.  For assistance with your car coverage, contact the team at Club Agency Insurance Brokerage in Garden City, New York today.
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