Protect against the risk of fire by looking out for these surprising fire hazards.
While some fire hazards (such as an unattended stove top, frayed electrical cords, and so on) are obvious, there are also many fire hazards that might surprise you. However, it's important that you be vigilant about all potential fire risks. Protect against the threat of fire by watching out for these unexpected fire hazards around your home.
1) Dust
Dust accumulation isn't just bad for your allergies; thick dust deposits are highly flammable and can catch fire easily. If dust builds up near electrical sockets or appliances, then all it takes is a rogue spark for things to go up in flames. Cleaning your house thoroughly, especially the areas near electrical appliances, will help you avoid this hazard.
2) Old Newspapers
Surprisingly, stacks of old newspapers left near gas and propane tanks are the cause of many house fires. Additionally, accumulations of paper goods near vents, heaters, and electrical sockets have also been known to set off a blaze. Avoid this hazard by recycling old periodicals and consider going digital to prevent having too much paper in your home in the first place.
3) Oil-Stained Linens
Sheets, cleaning rags, and clothes that have been stained with oil (cooking oil, grease, gasoline, etc.), can catch fire if they're run through the dryer. In some crazy cases, oil-stained linens have actually spontaneously combusted after being removed from the dryer and put away. To prevent this, make sure you run oil-soaked linens through the wash several times before you attempt to dry them. To be super safe, you can always throw these linens away.
Protect your home by watching out for these unexpected fire risks. Want another way to keep your home safe? Then make sure you have the proper home insurance protections in place. To find the right policies to fit your needs,
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