Try out these suggestions to stay safe as you shovel snow this winter.
While most homeowners consider shoveling snow a bothersome chore, did you know that this activity can actually be dangerous? If you are not careful, completing this task can lead to injuries and even death. To ensure that you are not at risk this winter, make sure you employ these snow shoveling safety tips.
1) Warm Up First
Shoveling snow is a strenuous physical activity. This is why it's so important to stretch out and warm up your muscles before undertaking this task. Failing to prepare your body properly will increase your chances of cramping, pulling a muscle, or throwing out your back.
2) Push Instead of Lift
When you are removing the snow from your walkways and driveway, you should really just use your shovel to push the snow aside. Try to avoid actually scooping and lifting snow as much as possible. If you do need to lift up snow, bend at your knees to reduce the amount of strain that you are putting on your back.
3) Take Frequent Breaks
As previously mentioned, shoveling snow is a strenuous physical activity. This is why you need to take frequent breaks to rest your body and to rehydrate. During your breaks, step inside to warm up. While you might feel hot due to the activity, parts of your body can actually be affected by the snow. By resting inside, you can feel the parts of your body that are extremely cold. Not only will taking breaks prevent you from overexerting yourself, but it will also reduce your chances of hypothermia and frostbite.
These are some of the safety tips that you should try when you are shoveling snow. Want another way to stay safe this winter? Make sure you have the proper personal insurance protections in place. For assistance with all your coverage needs,
contact the experts at
Club Agency Insurance Brokerage in Garden City, New York today.