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How Much Life Insurance Coverage Do I Need?

Jun 16, 2021

How Much Life Insurance Coverage Do I Need? How Much Life Insurance Coverage Do I Need?
Life insurance allows you to leave a legacy behind for your loved ones. However, it's important to think about how your life may evolve. If you have a traditional job and either have children or plan to start a family in the future, you should have at least ten times your annual income in your life insurance policy. Life insurance is important because it allows your family to handle your affairs after you have passed away. The following are a few things you need to consider before deciding on your life insurance coverage.

Think of Future Expenses

While you look for a life insurance policy that will replace your income after you have passed away, there are other things to consider as well. Think about the financial affairs of your loved ones. Think about the amount of debt your family has and how your lack of income may impact their ability to pay off their debt. If you have a mortgage, credit card debt, or even possible student loan debt, a nominal amount of life insurance coverage may not be enough to cover your loved ones if you pass away fully. If your family has many liabilities, the benefits in your life insurance policy may evaporate very quickly.

The Grieving Process

Another reason that you may need more than ten times your annual income in life insurance is the grieving process after you have passed away. The grieving process for your loved ones after you have passed away may be long and difficult. Consider if you get married. Perhaps your spouse also has a nice job. You can't predict how they will react to your passing. If your spouse decides to take an extended amount of time off, things will change. Perhaps they may decide to stop working for a while, drastically reducing their income level. While life insurance is designed to replace your income, it may be used to fill in any gaps if your spouse suffers a reduction in income as well.

Your Children

If you have young children or plan to start a family in the future, you have to think about 15 years down the road. Life insurance may not impact your children when they are young. However, things change as they grow up. You have to plan for future expenses, especially college. It would be best if you prioritized having enough life insurance to cover your children's college tuition. You can help leave a legacy for your children by laying the foundation for them to receive a college education.

General Emergencies

Life is often unpredictable. Sometimes you have to deal with challenges that you weren't prepared for. Maybe these unexpected events impact you, or perhaps they impact your entire family. Having a strong life insurance policy covers your family if someone gets sick or possibly disabled. The policy can help cover their long-term care. As you figure out how valuable you'd like your life insurance policy to be, don't forget to plan for life's surprises. While researching life insurance, assess your financial situation. If you have made smart investments and saved a lot of money, you can rely on purchasing a small amount of life insurance coverage. However, you want to ensure that your passing will not leave your family in a poor situation. That's why purchasing enough life insurance is so important. If you have any questions, the experts here at Club Agency Insurance Brokerage will assist you. We are ready to help you with all your coverage needs today!
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