Despite popular belief, floods are not covered under the typical homeowners' insurance policy and a separate policy is necessary for flood coverage. Once you adopt a flood insurance policy, there are multiple safety precautions you should take to prepare yourself and to recover in a timely manner. Take these helpful tips into consideration to ease the burdens and damages of floods:
- Personal Flood File - This file should contain information and pictures about all of your possessions. This should be kept in a safe deposit box or some sort of waterproof container. Included should be:
o Copies of all of your insurance policies with contact information for each of your insurance agents.
o Household inventory: Consider taking photos or a videotape of all of your major household items. Include serial numbers and receipts for any major appliances or electronics. Appraise your jewelry and art work as well.
o Copies of any other important documents
- Make sure your sump pump is properly working and then install a battery-operated backup to prevent issues if a power failure were to occur. If you have a basement, install a water alarm that will inform you of a flood.
- Regularly clear debris and leaves from your gutters and downspouts.
- If you have any fuel tanks, anchor them.
- If a flood is coming your way, raise your electrical components to at least 12 inches above the projected flood elevation. Likewise, place cement blocks underneath the furnace, water heater, washer, and dryer so that they are at least 12 inches above the projected numbers of elevation.
- Have your emergency preparedness kit ready including your first aid kit and emergency telephone numbers.
- Plan an emergency plan for your pets as well including a list of medications and plans of where to board them if a flood were to occur.
Club Agency has been providing Garden City, New York residents with excellent, personalized insurance services since 1936.
Contact us today to speak to one of our experienced agents about adopting a flood insurance policy today.